In Phase III we create some variants for the following kinds of weapons:

  • Omnidirectional: We create a few turret designs (roughly corresponding with weapon size) and combine them with the appropriate weapon.
  • Howitzers: This design should echo the standard blast weapon design but be larger.
  • Dual weapons: Two barrels mated together.
  • Triple weapons: Three barrels mated together. (There are only three of these: laser array, Dragonfly, IM90).

See Also

assumedpseudonym 29 Apr 2015:

 …Alas, the poor TK10 Trident. It never gets any love… ^.~

 More seriously, though, would it be possible for you to release details about lighting and camera angles on your items for those of us interested in rendering our own, to make it easier to mesh into the rest of the game’s content?