11/8/2017 3:51:03 [AeonDb] Aeon: Aeon.fileUpload took 1266 ms to process.
11/8/2017 3:51:03 [AeonDb] Aeon: Arc.fileMsg took 1438 ms to process.
11/8/2017 3:51:03 [Anacreon3] Anacreon game saved: 1.
11/8/2017 3:51:30 [2a2] Disconnected: Esper.onDisconnect
11/8/2017 3:51:37 [Anacreon3] ERROR: IPMQ Mazian-e8e9-AeonDb: Unable to create temp file in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\HexarcIPQ.
11/8/2017 3:51:39 [200] POST anacreon.kronosaur.com/api/getObjects.
11/8/2017 3:51:39 [Anacreon3] ERROR: IPMQ Mazian-e8e9-CentralModule: Unable to create temp file in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\HexarcIPQ.
11/8/2017 3:51:45 [19e] Disconnected: Esper.onDisconnect

This caused Hexarc to stop working. Restarting Hexarc (without rebooting) solved the problem. Not sure how it got in this state.

george moromisato 10 Nov 2017:

The problem was that some process (probably Windows Update) was deleting the temporary path created for the Interprocess Queue.

I fixed this by re-creating the path when we get an error creating the file.

Long term, however, we should use a different (app-specific) temp path: https://ministry.kronosaur.com/record.hexm?id=75264