Unfortunately, nav path behavior seems to be hard coded in the AI behavior, so it may be tricky to figure out what's going wrong.

- Freighters in one system were flying very close to an outlaw mine. It was unarmed, and its guards were dead, but I don't think that should change their behavior since some stations can receive reinforcements. And I assume the guards were killed by escorts before I got there, meaning they were passing close to it while it was guarded.
- I experimented by adding a wall of hostile stations between the Korlov and the other stations. At first, the freighters ignored the new stations. But later, they started avoiding them on the way out, but not the return trip. Or maybe only freighters that entered the system after I created them acted this way.
- I placed markers along a path using sysGetNavPathPoint, and it showed a safe path.

I think ships that use nav paths should generate a new path whenever their target changes. This would presumably also fix AI ships shouldn't path around abandoned stations.