Armor Mass Qualifiers

Armor mass is an important property because it can affect a ship's maneuverability and maximum speed. In many cases it is helpful to add a weight qualifier to an armor's name to communicate this property. Use the following table:

MASS (kg)        QUALIFIER
    <= 1,000     ultra-light
 1,001-2,500     light
 2,501-3,500     medium (or no qualifier)
 3,501-6,000     heavy
 6,001-9,000     super-heavy
9,001-12,000     massive
   > 12,0000     battleship or dreadnought

For example, a reactive armor segment massing 5,000 kg could be called "heavy reactive armor".

Note that you are not required to use these qualifiers; it is OK to name armor without these qualifiers if it makes sense. But if you do use these qualifiers, they must match the specified armor masses. For example, do not name a 6,000 kg armor "light", even if it is the lightest version in the series.

Armor Mass and Hit Points

All things being equal, heavier armor has more hit points. The following table shows standard level 5 armor hit points at various masses. Adjust proportionally for other levels.

ARMOR          MASS (kg)  (at level 5)   COST ADJ.
ultra-light     1,000          70          ×0.6
light           2,000          85          ×0.8
medium          3,000         100          ×1
heavy           5,000         135          ×1.3
super-heavy     8,000         195          ×1.6
massive        12,000         265          ×2
battleship     20,000         300          ×2.6
the_shrike 20 Apr 2017:

Will this be combined with changes to vanilla ship armor limits? Because a sapphire getting to use 'heavy' armor is a little iffy....

(Another thing I would mention is that /ideally/ the naming choice is mass-based, not level-based, and mass doesn't go up with level per se. It just happens in vanilla that mass and naming DOES go up with level because of how balance is generally handled.)