There are a couple of cases where it would be very useful to allow multiple mission givers at the single station.

In particular St Kats where the player can get missions from Militia, University, or Hospital.
But it would also be useful for other stations where you could use missions as a special type of Bar encounter in addition to normal missions available from the Meeting Hall or equivalent

However, the current rpgMissionAssignment will not support this use as the missionCriteria argument is only used when creating new missions via typFind - basically only allowing one mission at a time from each station. e.g. in St Kat’s using MissionTypes a player could visit the Militia, decline the mission, then find that University and Hospital would only offer the Militia mission until it timed out

It should be possible to fix this by:

  • adding the missionCriteria to the searches for active and open missions with msnFind.
  • adding “-special;” condition in the typFind
  • (maybe) adding the missionLevel condition inside the function (not necessary as msnFind ignores the level criteria, but it might be cleaner)

This would be consistent with how corpPriv_showMissionScreen works.

george moromisato 25 Apr 2017:

Thanks, that makes sense. I'm using missionCriteria to filter missions to display, but you can optionally override this by specifying displayCriteria.