An escort mission isn't recognized if the player destroys Kronosaurus, then docks with Korolov before the mission is complete.

1. Korolov tips me off to Kronosaurus.
2. I accept a mission: freighter will go to Tinker and back to Korolov Shipping.
3. I destroy the Kronosaurus.
4. While the freighter is on its way to Korolov, I skip ahead and dock with Korolov.
5. I gain Legend rank and Volkov.
6. I undock. At this point, the freighter hasn't docked yet.
7. I dock with Korolov again; station behaves as if I'm not on any mission.
8. Freighter docks with Korolov, but I get no "Mission complete!".
9. I dock with Korolov, but it behaves as if there was no mission.
10. The freighter is still highlighted.

I suggest a dockscreen for docking after destroying the Kronosaurus, but before the mission is complete:
>"You destroyed the Kronosaurus! No celebrations yet; you still have a freighter to escort!"

Additionally it's not clear if I've been paid for the mission, as I didn't get a dockscreen for the escort mission. I'm not sure if the mission has been considered complete at all.

george moromisato 14 Mar 2017:

It would be a lot easier if the Korolov missions were implemented by MissionType. Maybe we should at least have the Kronosaurus missions be MissionType.

george moromisato 23 Aug 2018:

I don't believe this situation can happen any more. But even if it can, the conversion to MissionType should take care of it.