When using an omni weapon in an nebula, there are some strange inconsistencies regarding the targeting system. In particular, displaying a target, acquiring a target, seeing a target, and firing on a target all follow different rules.

Displaying the currently targeted ship is always done, regardless of whether the player can detect it. While keeping the target registered is fine, targets that cannot be detected by ship sensors should probably have their orientation and distance hidden.

Acquiring a target and firing on a ship seem to be doable at the same range, which is significantly shorter than the range at which the player can see a ship that is hidden in a nebula. The code for partially obscuring ships hidden in nebulae should be adjusted so that, when the targeting system will refuse to acquire a target and omnidirectional weapons will refuse to aim at it, a ship is not at all visible to the player. It's somewhat confusing to be able to see a ship clearly but not have your controls recognize that it's there.

relanat 10 Mar 2017:

See also:


In addition, recently it appears that now friendly ships cannot be targeted in nebula as well as enemy ships, even with a target lock.

I find this very confusing. Either you can't fire on a ship because it is in nebula or it is too far away so the omni targeting override stops shooting in that direction but you can never tell which it is.

IMO if the targeting computer has a lock on a ship then it should be fired on (if within range now).