A couple of suggestions:

  • If the player starts a game and immediately uses the arrow keys and doesn't use the mouse, then turn off mouse move permanently for that session.
  • We could add a button in the Keyboard/Mouse mapping UI to disable mouse move.
assumedpseudonym 1 Mar 2017:

 Personally, I’d love something in Settings.xml that would disable mouse controls. I almost exclusively use the keyboard, and any time I have to pause the game and switch windows, I will invariably wind up dragging the mouse across the game window, thereby activating mouse controls again and pointing the ship wherever the cursor last was when I unpause (which is almost equally invariably in a direction I don’t want to be pointing).

 …I’d also be tickled to see something at the playership level that disallowed mouse controls, but only because forcing people to use the keyboard to fly a Gryphon would make me giggle in sadistic glee… maybe “Future Release” at best on that… <.< >.> <.<;