This document tracks the set of standard item attributes used in the game.

  • ammoBox: Item is an ammunition box with unknown contents.
  • analyzer: Item is an analyzer, which can be used on unknown items to identify them.
  • armorDamage: Item damages armor.
  • armorEnhance: Item enhances armor, generally when used. E.g., barrels of armor paste.
  • armorRepair: Item repairs armor. This applies both to consumable (like armor patches) and devices (like patch spiders). It does not apply to self-repairing or regenerating armor (e.g., Duralloy).
  • autoDefense: Item is an automated defense cannon, such as ICX or Longreach.
  • auton: Item is an auton.
  • cannotOrder: The item cannot be ordered at a Trading Post.
  • cashCard: The item can be converted to cash when invoked.
  • consumable: Item is consumed when used. This attribute is used in the spawning algorithm to generate treasure. Do not mix with either minorItem or majorItem.
  • fieldCrystal: The item is a crystal used to enhance shield generators. These items must also have the shieldEnhance attribute.
  • haloGem: The item is a halo gem.
  • illegal: Item is illegal and subject to confiscation.
  • info: Item consists mostly of information or software.
  • majorItem: Item is a non-consumable item of high value. This attribute is used in the spawning algorithm. Do not mix with either consumable or minorItem.
  • military: Item requires a military ID for purchase/installation.
  • miningEquipment: Item is used for mining, either a weapon/device or an excavation pod, etc.
  • minorItem: Item is a non-consumable item of low to moderate value. This attribute is used in the spawning algorithm. Do not mix with either consumable or majorItem.
  • notForSale: Standard shops do not buy or sell them item.
  • quantumProgram: Requires quantum CPU to run.
  • shieldDamage: Item causes damage to shields.
  • shieldEnhance: Item enhances shield generators.
  • shipEquipment: Item can be installed as equipment (not counting armor/devices). Installable ROMs, such as targeting computers, have this attribute.
  • specialty: The item only appears in specialty shops.
  • systemMap: The item is software for mapping objects in the system.
  • weaponDamage: The item damages weapons.
  • weaponEnhance: The item enhances weapons.
assumedpseudonym 25 Oct 2016:

 Note on notForSale: Most shops will buy items with the attribute (albeit at far below its base price), but will not sell it.

the_shrike 26 Oct 2016:

There are some tickets regarding the...less than ideal...system that NotForSale uses. But yes, the listed description is incorrect.

megas 26 Oct 2016:

There is nonEnergyShields for devices that use the shield slot, but are not shields, such as Novaya armor repairer.

Regarding NotForSale items, Teratons buy non-Alien weapons at the same price (and low margin) as items without NotForSale.