In the lategame you can find a lot of the dockable ships from Eternity Port hanging around (they seem to comprise at least 75% of friendly stations). Some of them are cloaked. It doesn't seem reasonable that system map ROMs would turn those up. There's an argument to be made that all dockable ships shouldn't be revealed by map ROMs, but that could make finding CSCs annoying...

digarw 20 Jan 2021:

They should able to reveal ship, but only with majorShip attributes.

megas 20 Jan 2021:

Ships without stealth are hidden like stealth ships beyond range 100 for enemies with perception of 4.

If ROMs should reveal dockable ships, then it should ignore any stealth and reveal them as done for stations.

george moromisato 20 Jan 2021:

Personally, I think map ROMs should not reveal ships, but I won't make that change until there's another method for finding ships. A few ideas:

  • Missions/rumors on friendly stations that reveal ships.
  • Scanner ROM (or device) that finds capital ships, perhaps with some error bars.
  • Ships revealed if player has appropriate rank.

NOTE: Some of the above should work from any system. E.g., a friendly station can have rumors about a CSC in a different system.