I mentioned this on the stream tonight and you requested I put up a ticket to remind you to poke at it.

 As near as I can make out from just a bit F9 work from the intro screen, current behavior with disintegration and ships with interiorHP is that a disintegration weapon will set the armor’s HP to zero and temporarily suspend any <RepairDevice> that might be equipped on the ship.

 My method for checking this was to spawn a fairly robust capital ship with a <RepairDevice> for one side (more specifically, a Marshal from TBR) and an ICS for the other, wait for the non-ICS to get hit with a quantumsphere, and replace the ICS with a swarm of TX3s (and periodically adding more as necessary). It took a while before the non-ICS started returning HP to any damaged armor segment.

 This is what I ran from the console with the capital ship as the POV:

(enum (objGetItems (sysGetPOV) 'aI) aeA (printTo 'console (itm@ aeA 'HP)))
megas 3 Jul 2020:

How fast is the armor regeneration? If it is low enough and the value is not at some neatly divisible number (I am not sure how all of this works), armor does not regenerate for a while. For example, if regen is 4 or 5 (there are more values), it regenerates for a while, stops, then regenerate.

assumedpseudonym 3 Jul 2020:

 The device in question was &vtDamageControlParty;. I didn’t think to check the exact time before regen started, but I think it was probably at least in the 20-30 second range, and may have been longer.

megas 3 Jul 2020:

The one used by CSCs? The highest rate is 10 for level 1 armor. It has some times where regeneration is not constant. Values 4 and 5 definitely have go-stop-go-stop regeneration like some shields have, especially those with greater than 15 hp/sec but less than 30 hp/sec. 1, 2, 3, and 6 have constant regeneration (maybe 9, 12, and 18 too), but 4 and 5 do not. (4 and 5 will regenerate like rate 6 for a while, then no regeneration for a long while before it resumes.) Armor needs at least 18 (I think) before regeneration is constant, although the rate may vary (but at least it will regenerate something instead of nothing). It is an annoying quirk, for both armor and shields even though they have subtle differences. For shields, I kind of wish shield regeneration was reverted back to how it was done in pre-1.08 releases.