scrSetDescTranslate prioritizes station dockscreen text ids over separate dockscreen type text ids.

A StationType UNID has a text id of 'descDefault'.
A separate DockScreen UNID also has a 'descDefault' text id.

If we navigate from the station screen to the separate dockscreen both 'descID=' and scrSetDescTranslate in the separate dockscreen will translate 'descDefault' from the StationType UNID.

Possibly if a text id of that name is present in the separate dockscreen type, it could be given priority.

Attached a mod showing this.
Dock at the Europa.
Select "[T]est".
This navigates to &dsD789ScrDescTest1;.
Screen desc should probably be "Test".
Select "[S]how Next Screen".
This navigates to &dsD789ScrDescTest2;.
Screen desc should probably be "Test. Second screen.".

Testing shows the same thing happens back to 1.8a4a. Possibly further.

scrDesc test.xml
george moromisato 3 Oct 2019:

The problem is we want to prioritize station text IDs to allow them to override separate dockscreen text IDs. Unfortunately, we don't know (it's hard to figure out) whether a station text ID is supposed to override a separate dock screen or whether it is being used by a local station dock screen.

I think the fix is to have separate dockscreens use a prefix for the text IDs. For example, maybe all dock screens defined in RPG*.xml should have the rpg. prefix for all their text IDs. Then they won't conflict with station text IDs.

At minimum I'll add guidelines to Language Element Guidelines

relanat 19 Oct 2019:

I thought it might be something like that. I could see where the existing behavior would be useful and I think I put a ticket up about container dockscreens at one point. But I thought I better let you know just in case.
I'll use something other than descDefault for non-station dockscreens from now on.