Line 736.
<Text id="msnWeaponsEnhanced">

Typo in the text id:

Showing a "Nil" objSendMessage on 'U'sing.



Line 856.


From an error spotted in one of Alandra's debug logs.


Line 874.

(typTranslate &itReenuWarriorArmor; 'msgNoTarget)
(typTranslate &itReenuZealotArmor; 'msgNoTarget)

Copy/paste error in the type for 'typTranslate'. Causes a "Nil" objSendMessage to show.


Lines 878 and 879.

(ls (map armorItems 'reduceSum theItem (objGetItemProperty gSource theItem 'hp)) hpPerSegment)
	(objSendMessage gSource Nil (typTranslate &itReenuWarriorArmor; 'msgNotEnoughArmor))

A couple of glitches here.

'armorItems' isn't set yet. It is in the following switch option.
Gives the following error:
No binding for symbol [armorItems] ### (map armorItems "reduceSum" theItem (objGetItemProperty gSource theItem "hp")) ###

And in the second line the type needs changing to &itReenuZealotArmor; for msgNotEnoughArmor.


Line 1239.


Only a comment typo.


I haven't checked any of this. Just best guesses to fix them.

george moromisato 4 Jun 2019:

Fixed in 1.0 Alpha 9. Thanks!