Suggestion to differentiate autons further by adding an attribute describing their function.
Adding a 'battle', 'explorer', 'sentinel' or 'cargo' attribute to the relevant autons would make it easier to filter them. The 'urak' attribute is a good example.

In the Commander's Log mod I'm filtering by auton UNID but this doesn't handle mod autons or autons in other extensions/adventures.

george moromisato 2 Feb 2019:

I've added the following attributes:

  • combatAuton: Any auton that has a weapon and is designed for combat/defense.
  • utilityAuton: Any auton not designed for combat. This is mutually exclusive with combatAuton.
  • cargoAuton: Any auton designed to carry cargo (e.g., Mule). These are also marked as utilityAuton.
  • explorerAuton: Any auton designed for exploration. These are also marked as utilityAuton.

In the future, if we add mining autons (e.g.) we would mark them as utilityAuton and also miningAuton.

p.s.: I didn't create attributes for "sentinel" vs. "battle auton" because I'm not sure how clear the line is. Right now it just describes their rough power order in a series. But there is no guarantee that every "sentinel" auton is more powerful than every "battle auton". For example the Lumiere sentinel is level 4, which is the same as a 300D defender (and only 1 level lower than a battle auton).

p.p.s: I added the above attributes to both items and ship classes.

relanat 7 Feb 2019:

Note: This was changed shortly after being implemented. utilityAuton and combatAuton are no longer considered mutually exclusive.

See Auton Guidelines.