Beyond a certain point, the IMU and any station that shares the inventory system of CW mines (I added a higher-level version to ES) will have the old "spam vast quantities of a single item" problem that the BM used to have.

george moromisato 1 Feb 2019:

The problem happens because there are only two ores that are organicComp. What happens is that a system gets generated with only organicComp fields and the only ores available are those two (cerallox and hyperonic). We then try to generate a lot of them.

I've made this better in 1.8 Beta 5 by moving some of the metallic/rocky ores to organicComp.

But what I'd really like to do is steal some of the ores in ES.

the_shrike 1 Feb 2019:

Heh. Chat to me on regdev about it. :)

derakon 1 Feb 2019:

Is this related to how sometimes high-level stations will have, like, 10 pieces of light iocrym armor as their loot, and nothing else? I've had that happen -- not with light iocrym armor specifically, but finding a station with 5-10 pieces of L10 armor is a thing in the late game.

the_shrike 1 Feb 2019:

Yeah, this bug crops up a few times in various forms. In modern versions the inventory code looks for appropriate items with the right level and attributes. If you don't have enough of them to choose from, it can glitch out and spam a single item ad nauseum. The most infamous case is probably cancer-dust spam.