From the 03/15/18 stream:

 Regarding the 'multiShot property: I know the intent was for it apply to all weapons with multiple points of origin for each shot — dual weapons, most alternating weapons, and so on — but I’m not sure weapons that have multiple shot directions from the same point of origin — the laser cannon array or Moskva 33 repeater, for instance — should be included in that. In the Manticore’s case, it would look just fine for all three shots to originate on the port “claw.”

megas 16 Mar 2018:

It would be nice for spread weapons to originate from normal primaries. Same thing for dual weapons whose origins are placed very close to each other (4 pixels or less) so that they can plausibly fit in a normal primary.

assumedpseudonym 20 Mar 2018:

 A multiShotOverride="true" in the <Weapon> tag to specifically except a weapon from 'multiShot status isn’t a bad thought, yeah.

assumedpseudonym 1 Apr 2018:

 In the meantime, I’ve been using this to check weapons with single shot point-of-origin:

(block (aeWeaponConf aeWeaponMulti)
	(setq aeWeaponConf (itmGetProperty gItem 'configuration))
	(for aeWeaponCheck 0 (subtract (count aeWeaponConf) 1)
		(if (not (eq (@ (@ aeWeaponConf aeWeaponCheck) 0) (@ (@ aeWeaponConf 0) 0)))
			(setq aeWeaponMulti true)
relanat 9 Nov 2018:

In the WeaponsLabBeta mod sdw195 filters weapons for those that have two fire points by using item property 'configuration and then xml functions.

	(eq (count (itmGetProperty theItem 'configuration)) 2)
		(block Nil
			(if (eq (xmlGetAttrib (xmlGetSubElement (typGetXML itemType) 'weapon) 'configuration) 'alternating)
				(lnkAppend components &itAlternatingFire;)
				(lnkAppend components &itDualFire;)
			(setq spread 2)

Very clever. Apparently the configuration property returns a list of the fire streams which the weapon has. Possibly it is position and angle values. Dunno, but this is helpful.

the_shrike 9 Nov 2018:

I've run into this while making variants of the Manticore for NPC guard duty, and also the playership version of the Sotho. Fixing this in some manner would definitely aid my work.

the_shrike 22 Dec 2018:

I now have weapons with a single point of origin that do count as multishot, but dual weapons, using stock configuration, which do not. Getting my device slot placements has proven virtually impossible at this stage.

george moromisato 21 Jan 2019:

In 1.8 Beta 5 I added the singlePointOrigin property, which returns True if the shots come from a single point. This works for custom configurations as well.