Perhaps it can have the following class of items:

  • Lower-level, surplus items, which it sells for a lower price at higher ranks (though we might need strict limits to prevent profiteering; or perhaps we try to detect profiteering).
  • Standard items such as TeV 9s, etc.
  • Top-of-the-line items such as star cannons.
0xabcdef 5 May 2017:

Probably should allow profiteering, but try to have the Commonwealth notice when the player buys excessively

johnbwatson 9 May 2017:

Starcannons could do to be improved if they're intended to be 'Top-of-the-line'. They were a niche weapon even before the nerf, after all.

george moromisato 5 Apr 2020:

Implemented in 1.8.