Discovered by Watch TV, Do Nothing.

This could conceivably be intentional- Viking-IIs like to run away when their shields go down- but it would good to know one way or another.

george moromisato 15 Aug 2015:

This must be an old bug. I don't think it is intentional.

Vikings should probably only have 2 segments.

nms 15 Aug 2015:

I seem to recall some enemy gunships had their number of armor segments reduced to make the amount of damage they could absorb less variable. Probably the Viking-II got reduced, but the -I was missed.

george moromisato 22 Aug 2015:

Fixed in 1.6.2.

Originally, both versions had 2 segments, and the Viking-IIs had plasteel plate. Not sure what happens, but I've fixed it as follows:

  • Viking has 2 segments of reactive armor
  • Viking-II has 2 segments of heavy reactive armor