The gate out effect is created, but nothing else happens other than an unhelpful exception like this in the debug log:

07/01/2016 19:37:13	Exception in objJumpTo; arg = (gSource (sysVectorPolarOffset newPos (random 0 360) (random 10 20)))
07/01/2016 19:37:13	Item d0110222 Event [Iocrym sentinel]: Exception in objJumpTo; arg = (gSource (sysVectorPolarOffset newPos (random 0 360) (random 10 20))) [(gSource (sysVectorPolarOffset newPos (random 0 360) (random 10 20)))] ### (objJumpTo gSource (sysVectorPolarOffset newPos (random 0 360) (random 10 20))) ###

I'm pretty sure this is because CSpaceObject::Jump includes this:

CVector vNewPos = GetSystem()->OnJumpPosAdj(this, vPos);
johnbwatson 6 Jul 2016:

Can confirm that that is the case.

george moromisato 31 Jan 2017:

Fixed in 1.7 Beta 6. Thanks!