Mining and seismic scanning charges need to have 100% passthrough specified, as the default shockwave has incomplete passthrough. This results in a false negative rate, making the return on investment of using a mining charge far less worthwhile than the old method of just spamming a mining weapon (assuming that your mining weapon meets the damage threshold for mining, which is also a problem in 1.6). This is a one-line change to each item that makes the system far more enjoyable.

the_shrike 6 Dec 2015:

I thought I'd commented with the code in question, but I hadn't. Even though there's only one line of difference between vanilla and tweaked (unless I made other changes while messing with 'em), here's the SM&M++ code that fixes this:

<ItemType UNID="&vtSeismicScannerPower;"
			name=				"seismic scanner power"
			virtual=			"true"
			inherit=			"&baSeismicScannerPower;"
			level=				"2"

				type=				"area"

				damage=				"blast:3d6"
				fireRate=			"30"
				expansionSpeed=		"80"
				missileSpeed=		"0"
				lifetime=			"20"
				powerUse=			"500"
				passthrough=		"100"
				canHitSource=		"true"
				sound=				"&snArmorHit1;"

						style=			"glowRing"
						width=			"2"
						glowSize=		"12"
						primaryColor=	"#ffd4cb"
						secondaryColor=	"#f24b29"
			<Data id="podType">&itSeismicScannerPod;</Data>

		<ItemType UNID="&vtClassAExcavationPower;"
			name=				"class A excavation power"
			virtual=			"true"
			level=				"3"

				type=				"area"

				damage=				"blast:4d6; mining:5"
				fireRate=			"30"
				expansionSpeed=		"80"
				missileSpeed=		"0"
				lifetime=			"20"
				passthrough=		"100"
				powerUse=			"500"
				canHitSource=		"true"

						style=			"fadingBlast"
						radius=			"120"
						primaryColor=	"#ffc29a"
						lifetime=		"8"
						style=			"image"
					<Image imageID=				"&rsShockwave3;"
							imageX=				"0" 
							imageY=				"0" 
							imageWidth=			"512" 
							imageHeight=		"128"

	<ItemType UNID="&vtClassBExcavationPower;"
			name=				"class B excavation power"
			virtual=			"true"
			level=				"5"

				type=				"area"

				damage=				"blast:6d6; mining:6"
				fireRate=			"30"
				expansionSpeed=		"80"
				missileSpeed=		"0"
				lifetime=			"25"
				passthrough=		"100"
				powerUse=			"500"
				canHitSource=		"true"

						style=			"fadingBlast"
						radius=			"180"
						primaryColor=	"#ffc29a"
						lifetime=		"8"
						style=			"image"
					<Image imageID=				"&rsShockwave3;"
							imageX=				"0" 
							imageY=				"0" 
							imageWidth=			"512" 
							imageHeight=		"128"

<ItemType UNID="&vtAdvancedScannerPower;"
			name=				"advanced scanner power"
			virtual=			"true"
			inherit=			"&baSeismicScannerPower;"
			level=				"6"

				type=				"area"

				damage=				"blast:5d6"
				fireRate=			"30"
				expansionSpeed=		"80"
				missileSpeed=		"0"
				lifetime=			"38"
				passthrough=		"100"
				powerUse=			"500"
				canHitSource=		"true"
				sound=				"&snArmorHit1;"

						style=			"glowRing"
						width=			"2"
						glowSize=		"12"
						primaryColor=	"#f7ffcc"
						secondaryColor=	"#d1f229"
			<Data id="podType">&itAdvancedScannerPod;</Data>

	<ItemType UNID="&vtClassCExcavationPower;"
			name=				"class C excavation power"
			virtual=			"true"
			level=				"8"

				type=				"area"

				damage=				"thermo:8d12; mining:7"
				fireRate=			"30"
				expansionSpeed=		"80"
				missileSpeed=		"0"
				lifetime=			"38"
				passthrough=		"100"
				powerUse=			"500"
				canHitSource=		"true"

						style=			"fadingBlast"
						radius=			"240"
						primaryColor=	"#ffc29a"
						lifetime=		"8"
						style=			"image"
					<Image imageID=				"&rsShockwave3;"
							imageX=				"0" 
							imageY=				"0" 
							imageWidth=			"512" 
							imageHeight=		"128"
the_shrike 30 Jul 2017:

Anyone with github smarts able to commit this? It may need minor updates but I don't think mining charge code has been altered since I originally wrote this ticket in '15.

0xabcdef 30 Jul 2017:
nms 30 Jul 2017:

Good, but you missed vtClassCExcavationPower.

george moromisato 7 Aug 2017:

Merged into 1.8 Alpha 3. Thank you!