Won't load.
.sav, debug and Extensions in the zip.
Error message:
GamesRELANAT-4111.sav: System 5b: Unable to load object.
State: Loading object subclass
ObjectClassID: 100007

TSB broken save.zip
wolfy 23 Dec 2024:

What version of TSB are you running, and did it break after updating TSB?

wolfy 26 Dec 2024:

It appears the error is with scKateMorgentalCruiser, which shouldnt be altered by TSB

relanat 6 Jan 2025:

FYI: TSB Version was (
It was downloaded from the file storage site you were using when the Multiverse was messing up downloads. I had to rename the files to get it to load. It was never updated.

wolfy 5 Feb 2025:

Huh, interesting. I'll bring this to george's attention. Thanks