A somewhat repeatable crash when changing ships at a Black Market Shipyard.
The game either crashes when buying the ship or when trying to change armor in Dock Services straight after changing ships.

I kept replaying the crash until some debug output was recorded. Usually the debug.log just cuts off in mid stride.
Also attached the sole wine debugger crash log that was generated.

Needs CC, EP and Near Stars Connector. No mods.
Dock at the BM Shipyard.
Buy the T class transport.
If the game does not CTD enter Dock Services and try to change the armor.
Also crashes if you dump some cargo and try to buy the Molotok.

EDIT: It looks like this is made worse by the Brokers Expanded mod. Ships from that mod will crash on buying. Standard game ships can be bought but will then crash when the armor is changed.

In another game the crash was triggered when a segment of Novaya armor was changed onto the rearmost armor slot in an EI200. The other armor segments could be changed without crashing. Polyceramic armor could be put on the rear slot but changing that for the Novaya armor caused a CTD. How bizarre, how bizarre!

Wine debug log
Ship change debug
george moromisato 5 Sep 2024:

I can't reproduce on Windows. I've pasted your Debug log here:

2024-07-02 15:12:00	Crash in CArmorHUDRingSegments::DrawIntegrityBoxText
2024-07-02 15:12:00	Crash in CArmorHUDRingSegments::Realize
2024-07-02 15:12:00	Crash in CArmorHUDRingSegments::OnPaint
2024-07-02 15:12:00	Crash in CHeadsUpDisplay::Paint
2024-07-02 15:12:00	CException: Win32 exception.
2024-07-02 15:12:00	Crash in CGameSession::OnAnimate
2024-07-02 15:12:00	Unable to continue due to program error.

program state: OnAnimate
program state: painting armor display
save file: lenovo-0110.sav
system: C7
system type: 00000009
system name: Domitus
total objs: 3738
destroyed: 0
deleted: 0
bad: 0
stars: 1
game state: in game

The crash is inside some drawing function. It could be inside CGDraw::Text or inside MediumFont.DrawText.

The Wine crash log implies corrupted memory (crash trying to free a block). Maybe the text draw call is drawing out of bounds? But if that were the case, we crash in other places. Maybe it has something to do with changing ships.

relanat 18 Sep 2024:

Hmm. I can't make it happen now either. It was consistent and annoying at the time.
Other considerations:
This happened on Ubuntu. I'm on Mint now and possibly a different version of Wine.
The wired keyboard I was using at the time was sending random and/or repeating keystrokes on its own. Some sort of input overload?
I can still notice delayed keystrokes now (press a key and there is a short delay before the action occurs). I have always assumed it is because of the many, many ferians zipping about but maybe something else is happening. This isn't uncommon in big star systems with lots happening.

Dunno. File it away as background info until something similar happens, I guess.